What’s on the agenda for 2020?
Keep writing and recording. I love the idea that writing and implementing ideas for a new song can happen 24/7, no matter what is going on at the moment, no matter where you are. I sometimes liken it to taking a photo of a moment in time of life.
In regards to recording, I need to allocate a block of time.
Once I bring the song into the recording process, the collaboration between Arty Shwecky (producer) and I begins. At that juncture , the song could take many unexpected twists and turns. It’s a very exciting part of the process. At this point we are committed, and very driven for the song to take the path we want.
How do you feel about performing live?
If I am fully prepared and ready, I love it. I’m a bit of a perfectionist. If I hear myself off in a particular moment, even though the audience might not have noticed it, it will sting for that second. I would want a do over right then and there, even though I can’t have one, lol. Of course, you just keep on moving.
When the performance meets my level of acceptance, along with knowing it resonated and connected with the audience, there is no other feeling like it.
What’s your favorite part of being a musician?
I enjoy creating whenever that feeling arises. If an idea comes to mind, I immediately get to work. As mentioned ,this could happen anywhere at any time. The creative process is what drives me the most. The idea of making something that you feel is better than it’s predecessor excites me. Or, creating something knowing you’ve evoked a different listening experience for the listener is equally satisfying.
What’s been your favourite moment in the studio this year?
It’s was all good to me. Looking back, “Feeling Lucky” definitely took the most studio time. There are more diverse types of guitars on that one. Plus, the song kept taking different directions as we went. The process of “Real to me” and “Cracked guitar” was smooth and swift.
What’s the best link to check out your music?